The Cultural Wealth of Izmir: 

A Journey Through Its Jewish Legacy

Thurday, April 10

USA 12:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm ET

UK 8:00 pm / France 9:00 pm / Israel 10:00 pm

The talk will last approximately 90 minutes

About this talk

Izmir, once known as Smyrna, is a coastal city with settlements 8500 years old. Within this long history, evidence of Jewish life dates to Hellenistic and Roman times but exhibits a unique character with its dominant Sephardic traditions. You are invited to briefly discover Izmir and a living testimony to its Jewish community's life, which was once one of the most spectacular of its kind. 

Join me on a virtual tour of the historical synagogues, which represent the most visible part of Jewish Izmir's tangible heritage. Learn about some important community figures from the past, local Jewish cultural elements (such as architecture, music, food, and language), and their integration with the city's cultural richness.

About Tilda

Tilda Koenka was born and raised in İzmir. As a tourism professional with a Master's degree in Tourism Management, she held various positions, including department management, in different travel agencies (during 1989 – 2002). Being an official tourist guide since 1991, she continues her profession focused on cultural tours in and around Izmir. Specialized also in Jewish heritage tours, she has been sharing the legacy she inherited from her roots and developing her cultural heritage experience by being part of the management and implementation teams of the "Izmir Jewish Heritage Project" and the "Izmir Sephardic Culture Festival". In addition, Tilda is one of the route managers of "The European Routes of Jewish Heritage," developed by The European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ).

You will be asked to select one of these options:

General admission - $18

Supported admission - $9

Sponsor this talk  - $36

With your contribution, you will also be donating to the Izmir Jewish Heritage Project