Jewish Lisbon and Portugal: a community reconnecting with its past

Thursday, February 8
USA 12:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm ET
UK 8:00 pm / France 09:00 pm / Israel 10:00 pm
The talk will last approximately 90 minutes
About this talk
Join me on a virtual tour through the Jewish heritage of Lisbon, Portugal; a presence that dates back to the Roman era. This visit will allow you to understand the living Jewish community in Lisbon and learn about their history, their traditions and their everyday life. We will see the Sharee Tikva synagogue and refer to the massacre of Passover of 1506, for which a memorial was built by Jews and Catholics to express the reconciliation between religions. We will also walk virtually through Lisbon's historic downtown, where two of the Jewish quarters used to be located. The Alfama, the oldest neighborhood in Lisbon, still preserves the 8th century layout, and here, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to live and work side by side.
For centuries after the expulsion, many "Conversos" kept practicing their faith in strict secrecy, and the most famous example are the Belmonte Jews, who until recently lived as a strictly isolated community. We will make a detour in our journey to learn about them and about the rapidly growing community of Porto, representing about 500 Jews from more than 30 countries. During our time together I will reveal these fantastic details and more. I hope to see you there!
About Glória
My name is Glória Ribeiro and I completed my university degree on National Tourist Guiding, becoming a Portugal's official guide in five languages in 2004. There's nothing that makes me happier than to show my people and their history, especially the Portuguese Jewish history, because I believe to have Jewish background myself, and I am not the only one here.
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With your contribution you will also be donating to the Ohel Jacob Synagogue, the only egalitarian congregation in Portugal.
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This event is a live experience. RECORDINGS WON'T BE AVAILABLE AFTER THE TALK