Moscow from a Jewish Perspective

Thursday, February 20
USA 12:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm ET
UK 8:00 pm / France 09:00 pm / Israel 10:00 pm
The talk will last approximately 90 minutes
About this talk
Moscow, the capital of modern Russia, is home to the largest Jewish community in the country, still numbering some 100,000 people. Despite all the current political events, Jewish life here flourishes, and anyone traveling to Moscow will find beautiful historical and new synagogues, community centers, Jewish museums, and more. While the community is now known for its rich religious and cultural life, this was not always the case in the past.
Our talk will cover approximately 140-150 years, starting from when Jews were first allowed to settle in Moscow up to modern times. We will explore the Jewish business empires of the late 19th century and trace their remnants today. We will discover the story of a Jewish artist who became one of Russia's most celebrated landscape painters and discuss the period when Jews were expelled from the city. We will also visit significant landmarks of Jewish heritage in Moscow, including the Old Choral Synagogue and the Bolshaya Bronnaya Synagogue.
We will learn the unique story of a modern "shtetl," created in the early 20th century that still exists today. We will discuss the economic activities of Soviet Jews in the small towns around Moscow, focusing on how their traditional role as middlemen continued even during communism.
Finally, we will cover the changes in the atmosphere and Jewish Community life in Moscow since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
About Evgenia
Evgenia Kempinski is a Russian Jew born and raised in St. Petersburg. Her family was originally from the Pale of Settlement—Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus. She has been an official St. Petersburg tour guide for over 15 years and is the founder and owner of St. Petersburg Jewish Tours, a company offering Jewish travelers a unique experience, highlighting the best of the former Soviet Union and Scandinavia from a Jewish point of view. She currently lives in Spain.
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General admission - $18
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