Qesher Book Club: "Shoham's Bangle"

Tuesday, February 18

USA 12:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm ET

UK 8:00 pm / France 9:00 pm / Israel 10:00 pm

The talk will last approximately 60 minutes

About this talk

SHOHAM'S BANGLE is an award winning heartwarming, intergenerational children's picture book about Middle Eastern Jewish refugees and resilience. This is the story of Operation Ezra & Nehemiah, where over 120,000 Iraqi Jews were airlifted to Israel. Once upon a time a third of Baghdad was Jewish. Today 3 Jews live in Iraq. Come discover the inspiration and Iraqi Jewish family story, history and culture behind SHOHAM's BANGLE.

Shoham wears a golden bangle on her wrist, just like her Nana Aziza. Their bangles jingle when they cook, and glitter in the sun. When Shoham and her family must leave Iraq, they are allowed to take only one suitcase each. They may take no jewelry. Shoham has the important job of carrying Nana's homemade pita bread, which Nana says they will eat when they get to Israel. But when they finally arrive and it is time to eat, Shoham bites into something hard inside the pita bread.

You can read more and order the book here:

About the Author

Sarah Sassoon is an Australian born, Iraqi Jewish writer, poet, and educator. Sarah's writing follows her curiosity exploring her Iraqi Jewish history, the story of refugees and resilience, and the rich, layered 2600-year-old culture of Babylonian Jews, with a special interest in Middle Eastern women's experience. She is the author of the award winning picture book, Shoham's Bangle and This is Not a Cholent. Her poetry micro chapbook, This is Why We Don't Look Back was awarded the Harbor Review Jewish Women's Poetry prize. She is an editorial advisor for Distinctions: A Sephardi and Mizrahi Journal. She is also the co-author of the The In-Between, a literary dialogue about identity and belonging published by Verlagshaus Berlin. She lives in Jerusalem with her husband and four boys. Visit

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