Qesher Book Club: "The Book of Jeremiah"

Tuesday, March 25
Please note that the times (in the US) are different from our usual schedule!
USA 1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET
UK 8:00 pm / France 9:00 pm / Israel 10:00 pm
The talk will last approximately 60 minutes
About this talk
Julie Zuckerman's THE BOOK OF JEREMIAH, a novel-in-stories, tells the story of awkward but endearing Jeremiah Gerstler—the son of Jewish immigrants from Galicia, brilliant political science professor, husband, father. Jeremiah has yearned for respect and acceptance his entire life, and no matter his success, he strives for more. There is something familiar about Jeremiah, as if he is someone you know – perhaps a cousin, uncle, or friend. Spanning eight decades and interwoven with one family's American Jewish experience of the 20th century, the tale contains considerable loss, trouble, and suffering, but the stories are also laced with love, forgiveness, hope, optimism, and even what we might call salvation. Join the author as she discusses her writing process, her research, and the real-life events that inspired her writing.
You can read more and order the book here:
About the Author
Julie Zuckerman's debut novel-in-stories, The Book of Jeremiah, was the runner up for the 2018 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction and was published in May 2019. Her fiction and nonfiction have been published in dozens of literary magazines. She is the founder of the Literary Modiin author series, which hosts authors of novels, story collections, memoirs, and poetry collections with Jewish content. She sends out a monthly author newsletter with book recommendations, literary events, a recipe and - lately - updates from Israel. She holds a BA from Barnard College and an MA from Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs. A native of Connecticut, she made aliyah in 1995, and lives in Israel with her husband and four children in Modiin. Julie has had a long career in high tech marketing and currently works full time as a senior director of product marketing. When she's not writing or working, she can be found reading, running, biking, baking, or trying to grow things in her garden.